13 Pranks We Pulled That Would Be Considered Reckless Today

1. Riding in the Back of a Pickup Truck and Throwing Water Balloons


There was a time when the best way to cool off in the summer was piling into the back of a pickup truck with a few friends and a bucket of water balloons. We’d drive around town, hurling them at unsuspecting pedestrians, cyclists, and even the occasional car. The thrill of the chase was real—if someone saw us and started running, we took it as a challenge. Of course, if they got mad and tried to retaliate, the driver would speed off while we all collapsed in laughter. The worst that usually happened was a soaked shirt or a surprised scream, but looking back, it’s shocking we didn’t cause an accident. Imagine trying this today—you’d be all over social media in seconds, probably with police sirens not far behind says USA Today.

Even if we weren’t throwing anything, riding in the back of a pickup truck with no seat belts was a normal part of life. Parents didn’t bat an eye when we climbed in, even if the ride was on the highway. We’d sit on the wheel wells, dangle our legs off the back, and hold onto each other when the truck hit a bump. Sometimes, we’d even lie flat and try to stay still, pretending we weren’t there if a cop drove by. The fact that we made it through without any major injuries is a miracle. If a kid tried this today, every driver on the road would be calling 911.

2. Changing Road Signs to Confuse Drivers


It seemed harmless at the time—unscrewing a “Stop” sign and swapping it with a “Yield” or flipping a “One Way” sign to face the wrong direction. We weren’t out to cause any real harm; we just wanted to see people hesitate at an intersection and scratch their heads in confusion. The best was when someone actually followed the altered sign, turning down a one-way street or treating a four-way stop like a free-for-all. We’d watch from a hiding spot, laughing as drivers tried to figure out why traffic suddenly made no sense. At worst, someone would roll down their window and yell at another driver, and we’d celebrate our success adds the Express Tribune.

Of course, this was wildly dangerous, and we had no clue what kind of disaster we could’ve caused. The idea that we might have been responsible for an accident never crossed our minds. We thought of it like a cartoon gag—something temporary and funny. If we got caught, we probably would’ve just been scolded and sent home. Now, we’d be looking at serious charges, and rightfully so. The idea of tampering with road signs today is so reckless it’s hard to believe we ever did it.

3. Tying Fishing Line Across Sidewalks at Night


This prank was simple but effective. All you needed was a spool of fishing line and a stretch of sidewalk where people frequently walked at night. We’d tie one end to a tree or pole, stretch it across the walkway at about shin height, and secure the other end. Then we’d sit in the shadows and wait for someone to trip explains Los Angeles Times. The reactions varied—some people would stumble a little, while others would go down hard. If they were carrying a drink, it was guaranteed to spill everywhere, which made it even funnier to us at the time. If someone really wiped out, we’d barely be able to contain our laughter.

The problem is, we never considered how badly someone could get hurt. A simple trip could lead to broken teeth, sprained ankles, or worse. It’s not like we had a first-aid kit or a plan if someone got seriously injured. If they got up and swore, we’d run. If they looked confused, we’d watch a little longer before sneaking off. Today, this would be considered borderline assault, and for good reason. The idea of intentionally setting a trap like this now feels cruel instead of funny.

4. Firecracker Mailbox Ambush


Fireworks were easy to get, and that meant pranks involving them were inevitable. One of the favorites was lighting a firecracker, tossing it into a metal mailbox, and running like crazy before it exploded. The loud bang would echo through the neighborhood, sending a jolt through anyone nearby. If we timed it right, we could even catch someone checking their mail just as it went off, sending them jumping backward in shock. It was hilarious to us, especially when people reacted like they’d just survived a battlefield. We never once considered what it did to the mailbox itself or how illegal it actually was.

There were times when the blast would dent the box or even blow the door clean off. Homeowners weren’t amused, and some even staked out their mailboxes to catch us in the act. If we got chased, it made the prank even better—dodging through backyards and laughing uncontrollably as we escaped. But thinking back, we were causing real damage, and someone could’ve been seriously hurt. Today, tampering with mail is a federal offense, and the idea of intentionally destroying someone’s property like that seems absurd. If a kid tried this now, they’d be in handcuffs before they even made it home.

5. Fake Emergency Calls from Pay Phones


Before cell phones, pay phones were everywhere, and they were perfect for making prank calls. We’d call 911 and report ridiculous emergencies, like a “monster” spotted in the park or a UFO landing behind the grocery store. Then, we’d hang up and watch from a distance as police cars or fire trucks arrived, sirens blaring. The goal was to waste their time and see how long it took for them to realize it was a hoax. If they started questioning people nearby, we’d try not to laugh as we casually walked away. We felt like criminal masterminds, getting away with the perfect crime.

What we didn’t understand was that we were pulling emergency responders away from actual crises. We were diverting help from people who might have genuinely needed it. If someone had a real emergency and an ambulance was delayed because of us, we’d have never known. Today, prank calls to 911 are taken incredibly seriously, and rightfully so. Swatting—the modern version of this prank—has gotten people hurt or even killed. It’s chilling to think that something we once found hilarious could have led to a real tragedy.

6. Supergluing Coins to the Ground


A simple yet effective prank was supergluing coins—usually quarters—to the sidewalk and watching as people tried to pick them up. The reactions were always priceless. Some would bend down, give it a quick tug, and then walk away embarrassed. Others would get stubborn, trying to pry it off with their nails or even stomping on it for extra leverage. The best ones were those who wouldn’t give up, crouching there for minutes, completely baffled. We’d be watching from a nearby bench or hiding spot, barely containing our laughter. If someone actually managed to get it loose, we’d act impressed, like they’d just won an Olympic event.

It seemed harmless at the time, just a fun way to mess with people. But looking back, it was kind of mean to watch people struggle for money they might have actually needed. Not to mention, some folks probably hurt their fingers or nails trying to pry it up. If someone tripped while reaching for it or got frustrated enough to damage the pavement, we wouldn’t have known or cared. Today, with cameras everywhere, we’d likely be caught and scolded on social media in minutes. Plus, no one wants to touch random objects on the ground anymore.

7. Putting Fake Bugs in People’s Drinks


The best pranks were the ones that made people scream, and fake bugs in drinks never failed. We’d wait until someone was distracted, then drop a plastic spider or roach into their soda. The moment they took a sip and saw it floating there, chaos would erupt. Some people would spit their drink out immediately, while others would scream and fling the cup across the room. If we were lucky, we’d get a full-on freak-out, complete with jumping, shaking, and yelling. The more dramatic the reaction, the better. If someone got really mad, we’d just say, “It was fake! Relax!” like that made it all okay.

What we didn’t consider was how serious this could be for people with actual bug phobias. Some kids cried, some refused to drink anything for the rest of the day, and some even threw up. What if someone had choked from inhaling their drink too fast? Or worse, what if they had a real allergic reaction? At the time, it was just another harmless joke, but now, it feels a little cruel. With today’s standards, this would probably get someone sent home from school—or even suspended.

8. Plastic-Wrapping Toilet Seats in Public Bathrooms


This prank took some patience, but the payoff was always worth it. We’d go into a public bathroom, lift the toilet seat, and stretch a layer of clear plastic wrap tightly across the bowl. Then, we’d put the seat back down and wait for an unsuspecting victim. It worked best in dimly lit restrooms where people were in a hurry. The moment they sat down, disaster struck. If they were just using the bathroom normally, they’d feel something was off immediately. But if they were in a rush and didn’t check? Well, let’s just say the aftermath wasn’t pretty.

Of course, we never stuck around to see the clean-up process, which was probably awful. Some poor janitor had to deal with the mess, and looking back, that part isn’t so funny. At the time, we just thought of it as a hilarious, no-harm prank. But what if the person was elderly or had mobility issues? What if someone got so embarrassed they refused to use public restrooms again? These were things we never considered. Today, this prank would be considered childish at best, and cruel at worst.

9. Calling Stores and Asking for Fake Names


We all thought we were so clever calling stores and asking for ridiculous names over the intercom. “Is there a Hugh Jass here?” “Can you page Mike Hunt?” If the employee actually fell for it and called the name out, we’d collapse into fits of laughter. Sometimes they caught on, and other times, they just read it aloud, confused, while customers snickered in the background. The best reactions were when employees got angry and demanded to know who was on the line. We’d hang up immediately, already planning our next victim.

At the time, it was just good, harmless fun. But looking back, it was annoying for the employees who had to deal with it, especially if the store was busy. And with caller ID and security systems, pulling this off today would be nearly impossible. Some places even have policies against prank calls because of how disruptive they can be. Plus, now, it’s less about funny fake names and more about serious hoaxes that can actually get people in trouble. What once felt like a harmless joke would now just get someone banned from a store.

10. Messing with Drive-Thru Workers


Something about a drive-thru made it the perfect setting for pranks. We’d pull up with weird accents, make absurdly complicated orders, or pretend the car was haunted. Sometimes, we’d switch seats mid-order, confusing the worker when a completely different person appeared at the window. If we had a friend hiding in the backseat, they’d pop up suddenly and scream, scaring the poor employee half to death. Other times, we’d just order something completely ridiculous, like “one fry” or “a single pickle.” It was all in good fun—to us, anyway.

But looking back, these workers were just trying to do their jobs. The more we messed with them, the more we slowed down service for actual customers. And some of them were probably just teenagers trying to get through their shift without dealing with a bunch of idiots in a car. If someone tried this today, they’d likely be filmed and put on social media for being rude. Plus, with cameras at every drive-thru, we would’ve been banned after the first prank.

11. Making Fake “Out of Order” Signs


We thought we were geniuses when we printed out “Out of Order” signs and stuck them on vending machines, water fountains, or even bathroom doors. It was hilarious watching people get frustrated when their favorite snack machine “wasn’t working.” Sometimes they’d bang on it, shake it, or go ask an employee why everything seemed broken. The best was when someone desperately needed the restroom, only to turn away in defeat because they thought it was closed. We’d laugh from a distance, proud of our little act of mischief.

But the joke wasn’t so funny to the people who actually needed those things. Someone might have really needed a drink or had a bathroom emergency. And for workers, it just made their jobs harder when they had to reassure customers that nothing was actually broken. Today, this would be considered a nuisance rather than a harmless joke. And with security cameras everywhere, we wouldn’t have gotten away with it for long.

12. Ghost Pranks in Cemeteries


Cemeteries were always the go-to place for scaring people. We’d hide behind gravestones, making eerie noises when someone walked by. If we had a white sheet, one of us would dress up as a ghost and slowly rise from behind a tombstone. The reactions ranged from people screaming and running to just muttering, “Not funny,” before walking away. Occasionally, we’d get chased, which made the prank even better. The goal was never to be disrespectful—we just wanted to scare people.

Looking back, this was incredibly inconsiderate. Cemeteries are places of mourning, and some of the people we scared might have been visiting lost loved ones. We didn’t think about how it might feel to be startled in such an emotional place. Today, this would be seen as beyond disrespectful, and if anyone called the police, we’d be in serious trouble. Some pranks just don’t hold up over time.

13. Throwing Fake Bodies into the Road


One of the most reckless pranks we ever pulled was stuffing old clothes to make a fake “body” and throwing it into the road at night. The idea was to make drivers slam on their brakes, thinking they had just hit someone. It worked too well. Some people panicked, jumping out of their cars, while others just swerved and kept going. We thought it was the funniest thing ever—until we realized how easily someone could have wrecked.

If a driver lost control and crashed, it would have been entirely our fault. Worse, what if someone had a heart attack from the shock? We never considered the real consequences of our actions. Today, this wouldn’t just be reckless—it would be criminal. Looking back, it’s amazing we didn’t cause a disaster. Some pranks are better left in the past.

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